Sunday, June 5, 2011

Shunryu Suzuki on Living In The Dark, Empty Sky.

We should always live in the dark, empty sky.
The sky is always the sky.
Even though clouds and lightning come,
The sky is not disturbed.
Even if the flashing of enlightenment comes,
Our practice forgets all about it.
Then it is ready for another enlightenment.

Shunryu Suzuki, "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chopra on Lenses of Perception

By itself, nothing “out there”
Has any definition without a perceiver.
When scientists claim to have deciphered
The mechanics of vision,
All they have done is found a map,
Which must not be mistaken for reality.

Everyone has seen photographs
Of what the world looks like
Through the multiple eye of a bee, spider, or fly.
Each of these insects sees through more than one lens,
And the photographs therefore present a cluster
Of eight or ten of twenty images, generally of a flower,
And we are to suppose that the insect brain
Sees the flower that way.

These composites, however, do not really capture
The actual experience of insect eyesight,
They only indicate what a human being might see
If he looked through several camera lenses
At the same time.

If all perception is personal,
Where do the “real”
Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures begin?
We trust our eyes to see “real” photons
And our ears to hear “real” vibrations in the air,
But it is easy to show that
This trust rests upon a very shaky foundation.

Why don’t we all see voices,
Instead of restricting ourselves
To the same worn rut of hearing?
Many deaf people do “hear” the wind in the trees
When they see the branches swaying.
Some junction point in their minds
Converts a visual signal into an auditory one.
Many blind people can likewise “see” faces
By feeling them with their hands.

A mental junction point has taken the signals of touch
And converted them to sight.
Presumably our brains could do the same thing,
But we prefer to let habit and memory take over.
We see through our eyes and feel through our fingers
Because we have been conditioned to do so.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chih-men's koan

What thing is not attained when painstakingly sought?
What thing comes of itself without being sought?
What thing does not break under the blow of an iron hammer
What thing closes by night and opens by day?
- Chih-men

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Subhuti asked: "Is perfect wisdom beyond thinking? 
Is it unimaginable and totally unique but nevertheless
Reaching the unreachable
And attaining the unattainable?"

The Buddha replied: "Yes, Subhuti, it is exactly so.
And why is perfect wisdom beyond thinking?
It is because all its points of reference
Cannot be thought about but can be apprehended.
One is the disappearance of the self-conscious person
Into pure presence.
Another is the knowing of the essenceless essence
Of all things in the world.
And another is luminous knowledge

None of these points can sustain ordinary thought
Because they are not objects or subjects.
They can't be imagined or touched
Or approached in any way
By any ordinary mode of consciousness,
Therefore they are beyond thinking."
- Prajnaparamita

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chopra on the New Body Paradigm

Here are some vast assumptions,
The makings of a new reality,
Yet all are grounded in the discoveries of quantum physics
And made almost a hundred years ago.
The seeds of this new paradigm were planted by
Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg,
And the other pioneers of quantum physics,
Who realized that the accepted way
Of viewing the physical world was false.

1. The physical world, including our bodies,
Is a response of the observer.
We create our bodies as we create
The experience of our world.
2. In their essential state, our bodies are composed of
Energy and information, not solid matter.
3. The mind and body are inseparably one.
The unity that is “me” separates
Into two streams of experience.
I experience the subjective stream
As thoughts, feelings, and desires.
I experience the objective stream as my body.
At a deeper level, however, the two streams meet
At a single creative source.
It is from this source that we are meant to live.
4. The biochemistry of the body is a product of awareness.
Beliefs, thoughts and emotions
Create the chemical reactions
That uphold life in every cell.
5. Perception appears to be automatic,
But in fact it is a learned phenomenon.
The world you live in,
Including the experience of your body,
Is completely dictated by how you learned to perceive it.
If you change your perception,
You change the experience of your body and your world.
6. Impulses of intelligence create your body
In new forms every second.
What you are is the sum total of these impulses,
And by changing their patterns, you will change.
7. Although each person seems separate and independent,
All of us are connected to patterns of intelligence
That govern the whole cosmos.
Our bodies are part of a universal body,
Our minds an aspect of a universal mind.
8. Time does not exist as an absolute, but only eternity.
What we call linear time is a reflection
Of how we perceive change.
If we could perceive the changeless,
Time would cease to exist as we know it.
9. Each of us inhabits a reality lying beyond all change.
Deep inside us, unknown to the five senses,
Is an innermost core of being, a field of non-change
That creates personality, ego and body.
This being is our essential state–it is who we really are.
10. We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death.
These are part of the scenery, not the seer,
Who is immune to any form of change.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chopra on The Defense of Self-image and The Loss of Energy

Over the years you have built an idealized self-image
That you defend as “me.” In this image are packed
All the things you want to see as true about yourself;
Banished from it are all the shameful, guilty,
And fear-provoking aspects
That would threaten your self-confidence.

But the very aspects you try to push away return
As the most insistent, demanding voices in your head.
The act of banishment creates the chaos
Of your internal dialogue,
And thus your ideal erodes
Even while you are doing everything
To look good and feel good about yourself.

To really feel good about yourself,
Renounce your self-image.
Immediately you will find yourself being more open,
Undefended, and relaxed.

Much time is spent in self-help trying to turn
A bad self-image into a good one.
As reasonable as that sounds,
All self-images have the same pitfall:
They keep reminding you of who you were,
Not who you are.
The whole idea of I, me, and mine
Was erected on memories,
And these memories are not really you.
If you release yourself from your self-image,
You will be free to choose as if for the first time.

Self-image keeps reality away,
Particularly at the emotional level.
Many people don’t want to admit
What they are actually feeling.
Their self-image dictates that being angry, for example,
Or showing anxiety is not permissible.
Such feelings don’t accord with
The “kind of person I want to be.”

Certain emotions feel too dangerous to be part of
Your ideal image of yourself,
So you adopt a disguise that excludes those feelings.
Deep-seated rage and fear belong in this category,
But sadly so does immense joy, ecstasy,
Or freewheeling spontaneity.

You stop being ruled by self-image when:
You feel what you feel,
You are no longer offended by things,
You stop appraising how a situation makes you look,
You don’t exclude people you feel superior or inferior to,
You quit worrying about what others think about you,
You no longer obsess over money, status, and possessions,
And you no longer feel the urge to defend your opinions.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Pearl of Great Price - I Ching

Remain silent, and you sink into a realm of shadows;
Speak, and you fall into a deep pit.
Try, and youre as far away as sky from earth;
Give up, and youll never attain.
Enormous waves go on and on,
Foaming breakers flood the skies.
Who has the bright pearl that calms the oceans?